 Villa Elevator
 Special Elevator

Traction elevator>Passenger Lift
KOOOD passenger lift applise the advanced traction technology,multiple micro-computers,network,modular computer intellectuall control system in the world with high technical content and advanced craft & technology.It has the outstanding properties such as quick travel speed.the stable and reliadle performances etc. It is effective and energy-saving.It can comprehensively satisfy the building trsnaport requirements in the high grade commercial buildings、hotels、high grade apartments and so forth.
KOOOD small machine room passenger lif
Small machine room passenger lift is another masterpiece in KOOOD product systems.It can satisfy different requirements of passenger and freight transports. It is applicable for various architectures such as the ordinary office building,hotel,residence building,high-rise ect.
Small machine room passenger lift applies permanent magnet synchronous and gearless drive to ensure the safe and reliable travel.It is loewr in noise and more advantageous in performance.It is more energy-saving and environmental protection.
·Small machine room passenger lift applies the compact small machine room layout.It effectively reduces the top-floor space and cuts down the building cost far as possible.
KOOOD machine roomless passenger lif
We know very well about the loss reduction and energy-saving,environmental protection idea for KOOOD machine roomleless passenger lift.With great improving on design freedom of motion & full expressing on green humanities.We endeavor to save the building area,enhance the freedom in design,fully display a green and human concept.Compared with same loading level geared lift,it can save 25% of the electricity 10% of the building area.KOOOD machine roomless passenger lift breaks through the premise that every lify needs to have a machine room.It offers an infinitely inventive passibility for the limited space in the moderm constructions.